Alahovin Viinitila


Alahovintie 236, 71130 Kortejoki


Finland's first farmhouse wine shop was opened at the Alahovi winery in May 1995. Since then, the farm has been producing high-quality berry wines, liqueurs, ciders and, most recently, beer.

The wines and ciders are available directly from the winery's shop. In the winery you can also taste the farm's products and enjoy authentic Savoie flavours.

Alahovi winery is located on the island of Vaajasalo off the coast of Kuopio.

You can reach the winery by car from the east side of Kuopio via highway 17. In summer, there is also a regular boat service from the Kuopio passenger harbour to the winery. There are also small boat moorings at the winery's pier.

The winery's shop is open all year round. There you will find the winery's cider, berry wine and non-alcoholic products.

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Our winery is located right on the water, surrounded by peaceful nature. Here you will find peace for your soul and just be comfortable!

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Good to know

The host and hostess of the winery, Risto and Taina Hallman, will serve you at the winery.

If we are not on site please call 050-5699139 or 050-5951529 and we will be there.

Welcome to our place!

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Opening hours & check-in

Opening hours:
Full service:

Not specified





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