Pajala Camping Route 99



Tienda de campaña

Tannavägen 65, 984 31 Pajala


Justo al lado del río Torne encontramos uno de los campings más septentrionales de Suecia, el pintoresco Pajala Camping Route 99. Un camping pequeño y bien gestionado por la pareja Alec y Marissa, de Bélgica.

En el Pajala Camping Route 99 encontrarás 30 cabañas con diferentes estándares, pero todas equipadas con cocina. Justo al lado del río se encuentran las acogedoras parcelas para tiendas. Las 50 parcelas para caravanas son tanto de asfalto como de hierba y están separadas en un lugar tranquilo y apartado.

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Cerca de la instalación

Pajala Camping Route 99 is truly a campsite for nature lovers. For those interested in fishing there are excellent fishing waters. Pajala Camping Route 99 has free fishing within the camping area. Guests do not need to buy a fishing licence.

Around Pajala Camping Route 99 and in the whole of Pajala there is a lot of good nature for you to pick from. Areas rich in cloudberries, lingonberries and blueberries are plentiful here. You will also find many kinds of mushrooms. In other words, the kitchen at Pajala Camping Route 99 can be transformed into a real cozy experience after a day in the area.

In addition, there are a variety of activities. Pajala Camping Route 99 is only 1.7 km from the town center, where you will find local restaurants, grocery stores, and local shops where you can find souvenirs.

The Laestadius Gate, which became the home of Lars Levi Laestadius in the 1850s, is open all summer. Pajala's first vicar, but also known as the folk poet, temperance campaigner, botanist, and scientist Lars Levi Laestadius. In connection with this, you have Pajala Church which has coffee sales. Kengis Mill, which was built in the 17th century, still stands here and is a popular destination.

As a resident at Pajala Camping Route 99, you have the chance in July to go to the Pajala Market which is always well-visited and known throughout Sweden. This market is a popular destination for foreign tourists who wish to experience the culture of the north of Sweden. Here you can buy backpacks, bags, shoes, leather and much more - many things sold at the market are locally produced!

But of course, you can't mention this camping gem without mentioning the two world-famous natural phenomena. The midnight sun with bright summer nights lasts 6 weeks from June to July and the northern lights can be seen when it is dark.

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Actividades cercanas

Bueno saber

Pajala Camping Route 99 är en av Sveriges nordligaste campingar. Trots det är kommunikationen god. Det går bussar från närliggande städer och campingen ligger på gångavstånd från centrum. Självklart är det en upplevelse att ta sig hit med bil, husbil eller husvagn också.

Det vackra och på många håll orörda landskapet är något du kommer bära med dig för resten av ditt liv. Det finns även gott om djur i området. Det gäller med andra ord att vara på sin vakt när man kör längs vägarna då det förekommer mycket renar i området och på vägarna. Välkommen till Pajala Camping Route 99!

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Horario de apertura y check-in

Horario de apertura:
Servicio completo:



15:00 - 21:00


11:00 The latest

Campings cercanos